The experiences have been interesting, fascinating and humbling, with readers’ questions, interpretations and insights into my stories: interested to learn their differing opinions of my novels, humbled by their praise and encouragement and fascinated by their depth of perception of story-line, characters and their motivations.

I always come away feeling I’ve learned more about my novel and its characters; things I was sometimes not even aware existed!
Needless to say, I welcome any opportunity to engage more with book clubs. If your book club is interested in a Skype meeting, just send me an email (liza.perrat@gmail.com) or FB message (Liza Perrat) and I will arrange for a group discount of whichever of my books you choose to read.
Currently, the first novel, Spirit of Lost Angels, of my France-based historical The Bone Angel trilogy, is on sale for 99c/p for a LIMITED TIME only!
e-Book available at all Amazon stores, Kobo, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords.
Cheers, happy bookclubbing and I hope to "meet" you soon!
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